#!/usr/bin/perl # # gnokii-init-modem # # ABOUT # # Copyright Benjamin Renard 2012 # # Inspired by Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk's 'gnokii-init-modem' script # Source : http://karlsbakk.net/gnokii-init-modem/ # # Licensed under GPL v2.0. See LICENSE file for details. # # This software initialize a GSM modem. # use Device::SerialPort qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.07 ); # # Configuration # my $port_name = '/dev/ttyUSB0'; # This is the serial port device. my $pin = '0000'; # Here goes our pin code. my $ready_timeout = 60; # GSM-ready timeout in seconds. my $debug=1; # Communication settings my $baudrate = 9600; # Set to current speed. my $parity = 'none'; # Set to 'none', 'even', or 'odd'. my $databits = 8; # Between 5 and 8. Only 8 is commonly used. my $stopbits = 1; # Set to 1 or 2. 1 is most common. my $handshake = 'rts'; # Set to 'none', 'rts' or 'xoff' # Functions sub debug { (my $text)=@_; if ($debug eq 0) { print "."; } else { print "$text\n"; } } # Main code print "Initialising GSM modem at $port_name..."; debug ""; debug "Open device $port_name"; my $PortObj = new Device::SerialPort ($port_name) or die "Can't open device $port_name: $!\n"; debug "Set options"; $PortObj->handshake($handshake); $PortObj->baudrate($baudrate); $PortObj->parity($parity); $PortObj->databits($databits); $PortObj->stopbits($stopbits); $PortObj->read_char_time(0); # don't wait for each character $PortObj->read_const_time(1000); # 1 second per unfulfilled "read" call debug "Start communication"; debug " -> Send ATZ"; $PortObj->write("ATZ\r\n"); sleep(2); debug " -> Send ATE1"; $PortObj->write("ATE1\r\n"); sleep(2); debug " -> Send AT+CMEE=1"; $PortObj->write("AT+CMEE=1\r\n"); sleep(2); debug " -> Send AT+CSCS"; $PortObj->write("AT+CSCS\r\n"); sleep(2); debug " -> Read return ..."; (my $count_in, my $string_in) = $PortObj->read(256); debug "Return :\n\n----\n$string_in----\n"; if ($string_in =~ /CME ERROR/ms) { debug "SIM locked."; debug " -> Send AT+CPIN=\"PIN\""; $PortObj->write("AT+CPIN=\"$pin\"\r\n"); sleep(2); debug " -> Read return ..."; (my $count_in, my $string_in) = $PortObj->read(256); debug "Return :\n\n----\n$string_in----\n"; if ($string_in =~ /OK/ms) { print "Sim unlocked\n"; exit 0; } else { print "ERROR unlocking SIM (bad PIN code ?)\n"; exit 1; } } else { print "SIM already unlocked\n"; exit 0; }