Benjamin Renard Add README file

Benjamin Renard authored 10 years ago

1) Check Update script for Roundcube Webmail
2) =========================================
4) This script permit to check if an Roundcube Webmail is up to date.
6) It retreive current stable version on Roundcube Webmail Website and
7) compare it to the local version. If the local version is different
8) than the current stable version, it notify you by email.
10) The original script it design to be run by cron, but you could now
11) use the script as Nagios check plugin (-n parameter).
13) Upgrading your Roundcube Webmail installation
14) ---------------------------------------------
16) The script could also help you to upgrade your installation. By
17) running the script with the -u parameter, it will automatically :
18)  - download and uncompress for you the newest version from Roundcube
19)    Webmail Website in an upstream directory
20)  - duplicate current installation data in a new directory
21)  - upgrade this duplicated installation by using 'installto.sh' script
22)    provide by Roundcube Webmail project
23)  - Optional : execute a custom bash function after_upgrade() if defined.
24)    It could be useful if you have custom modification in your installation.
25)  - If the current installation path is a symlink, it propose you to change
26)    the destionation of this symlink to the new installation path.
28) Usage
29) -----
31)   Usage : ./check_rc_upgrade.sh [-v] [-n] [-d] [-u]
32)     -v   Verbose mode
33)     -n   Nagios mode
34)     -d   Download new release
35)     -u   Upgrade installation
Benjamin Renard Update README file

Benjamin Renard authored 10 years ago

36)     -a   Just run after_upgrade function