Installers for Windows and Mac OS X and tarballs for Linux etc. can be found here: Instructions for installing packages for Debian and Ubuntu can be found here: To install PMS from the tarball on Linux etc. (these instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 12.04, but something similar should work on most Unix distributions), open a terminal and enter the following commands (replace with the version you're downloading/using e.g. 1.80.0): 1) Install the dependencies (this only needs to be done once): sudo apt-get install ffmpeg mediainfo mencoder openjdk-7-jre # you can also optionally install dcraw and vlc: sudo apt-get install dcraw vlc 2) Download the tarball e.g.: # if wget isn't installed, run: sudo apt-get install wget wget 3) Extract the tarball into a pms- directory: tar xzvf pms--generic-linux-unix.tar.gz 4) Run (note: PMS should NOT be run as root): cd pms- ./ PMS accesses some files in the pms- directory (the working directory). Other file locations are listed here: