#------------------------------------------------------------ # Profile for Philips Streamium. # See PS3.conf for a description of all possible configuration options. # #------------------------------------------------------------ # General informations / detection RendererName=Streamium RendererIcon=streamium.png #UserAgent: regular expression to detect the connected renderer UserAgentSearch=KnOS/3.2 # bridgeCo-DMP/3.0 DLNADOC/1.50 INTEL_NMPR/2.0 #Basic capabilities Video=false Audio=true Image=false #------------------------------------------------------------ # DLNA settings #Use the DLNA feature seek by time and not by range SeekByTime=false #------------------------------------------------------------ # Transcoding/Muxing capabilities # #Transcode profiles for video and audio engines #currently supported: MPEGPSAC3, MPEGTSAC3 or WMV for video, LPCM, WAV or MP3 for audio TranscodeVideo=MPEGPSAC3 TranscodeAudio=WAV #Use default DVD buffer size: false = greater bitrate and faster encoding, #but can generate incompatible videos, depends of your media renderer DefaultVBVBufSize=false #Muxing capabilities: Does the media renderer supports H264 and MPEG2 in a mpegts file ? MuxH264ToMpegTS=true #Does the media renderer supports DTS in a mpeg file ? MuxDTSToMpeg=false #Does the media renderer supports DTS wrapped into LPCM in a mpeg file ? WrapDTSIntoPCM=true #Does the media renderer supports LPCM in a mpeg file ? MuxLPCMToMpeg=true #Maximum bitrate supported by the media renderer (0=unlimited) MaxVideoBitrateMbps=0 #Max Width and Height supported by the media renderer (0=unlimited) MaxVideoWidth=0 MaxVideoHeight=0 #Does the media renderer supports only H264 L4.1 at most ? H264Level41Limited=true #------------------------------------------------------------ # Misc Files # Mime types transforms (oldmime=newmime|olemime2=newmime2|...) MimeTypesChanges=video/avi=video/x-divx # Extensions management: no need to put something here, as the server's default configuration is tuned for ps3 # What extensions are forcefully transcoded TranscodeExtensions= # What extensions are forcefully streamed as is (and not transcoded) StreamExtensions=m4a,wma,mp3,mp4,flac