##### Mantis SMTP Gateway ##### Mantis SMTP Gateway is an email gateway for Mantis Bug Tracker. Run as a SMTP server, Mantis SMTP try to add email informations to Mantis Bug Tracker through its SOAP API. Process : --------- Parsing subject to detect issue id : if present, the email will be processed as a note. Also, create a new issue in project corresponding to email recipient. Features : ---------- - detect issue id from subject - add note to existing issue - create new issue in project - multiple project support with different email recipient - add email attachment as issue attachment - email warning sender on error - daemon mode (init script provide) #### Installation #### ### Python Requirements ### # System lib : - sys - os - signal # Mail lib : - email - smtplib - smtpd # SOAP lib : - suds # Daemon lib : - logging - simplejson : to load config file - asyncore # Utils lib : - re - string - optparse.OptionParser : to parse command line parameters ### Redhat/Debian Packages Requirements ### - python-simplejson - python-suds ### Scripted installation ### An installation script is provided : ~/mantisbt-smtp-gateway/$ ./install.sh install ### Manual installation ### - Install requirements - Copy all file in src directory in root : ~/mantisbt-smtp-gateway/$ cd src/ ~/mantisbt-smtp-gateway/src/$ cp -r * / #### Configuration #### Mantis SMTP Gateway use an single JSON configuration file : /etc/mantis-smtp.conf Example : --------- { "mail_from": "postmaster-mantis@example.net", "ws_url": "http://mantis.example.net/api/soap/mantisconnect.php?wsdl", "ws_user": "MAIL", "ws_pwd": "password", "ws_default_category": "other", "projects": { "mantis-project1@example.net": { "project_name": "Project 1" }, "mantis-dev@example.net": { "project_name": "Development", "category": "dev" } } }